Lifestyle 2011 Part 4 Mental Attitude

“When life throws you lemons, make lemonade!”
How much does it matter if we choose healthy foods, include physical exercise and help supplement our body with vitamins and nutritional support if our head is filled with negative thoughts and anxiety?
There are many clichés such as; Have a Positive Mental Attitude, Strong Mind, Strong body! Or “from something bad comes something good” which is how the HIS Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation began.  Does our mental attitude make a difference in our health? YES!

There have been numerous studies conducted by many of the top universities that show a direct relationship on how improved health, quality of life and love are influenced by a positive attitude. We often read about how someone who is ill, had such strong will, they lived much longer than expected or fought their disease completely. The mind is a powerful tool and it should be used wisely and appreciated for all that it can do. 

Equally as important as your attitude is the importance of including humor, especially when times are difficult. The benefits of laughter help to reduce stress and boost killer T-cells to strengthen your immune system. Laughter is a healthy tool and    something that is so simple and often overlooked.

What are some ways to keep a positive attitude during your daily routine?
Create a few affirmations that you can relate to depending on your own needs, anxieties or goals.
Here are a few ideas, but feel free to create your own and you can share them with your comments at the end as suggestions to others.
        I am safe
        My heart is filled with joy
        I am loved
        I am healthy
        I am strong
        I can do anything
        I am powerful
        My life is full of meaning and pleasure
        My body heals itself
        I know what I want
        I am free of dependency
        I am a winner
        I am in harmony
        I am at peace
        I am strong and secure
        I create the life that I want

Another option is to keep a journal or diary. This can be used to record your emotions and thoughts, track your physical activities and even write the food choices you made and the supplements you took. You may even begin to see a pattern by what you ate, if you did or did not exercise and how you felt physically and emotionally afterwards. Keeping a journal has been proven to be very helpful in making a real commitment to your healthier lifestyle. These are a couple of basic journals to fill in your information; or if you’re creative, you can make and decorate your own as another way to reflect on yourself.

There are many other ways you can support and strengthen your mind.
Being mindful; mindful of eating, mindful of the moment, or mindful of the way you feel. Savor the moment and make the best of what you have to work with. Listen to music or comedian you enjoy while headed to or from work so not to let the noise and traffic bother you.  Save 5 minutes of your lunch break to step outside and breathe some fresh air, stretch or take a walk.  Get involved with a charity or volunteer your time for something that has meaning or enjoyment for you.  There are so many causes just waiting for your help that your choices are endless. Whether it’s once a month or once a year, giving of yourself will make you feel good and will be welcomed by others. We all work hard in our day to day jobs, but when you volunteer to help build a house, visit someone ill, foster an animal, raise money for a charity, assist someone who is less fortunate, clean up the neighborhood or just pay it forward and do a good deed, all or any of these will make you feel better about yourself and create a healthier environment within.

Some suggested reading/links on mindfulness;
·         Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink Ph.D.
             Why we eat more than we think we eat….
·         The Miracle of Mindfulness, by Tich Nhat Han
·         Meditation for Optimum Health, by Jon Kabat-Zin
·         Finding Mindful Meditation Classes -

In remembrance of Jack LaLanne some of his affirmations or favorite quotes;
“Your health account is like a bank account; the more you put in, the more you can take out.”
“Any stupid donkey can die; it takes guts to live.”
“Exercise is the king, nutrition is the queen, if you put them together, you’ve got a kingdom.”

Whatever your thoughts are, as long as they are positive ones, you are supporting your whole self! 
My personal affirmation; Modah Ani (Hebrew) I AM THANKFUL
I hope you will share yours!

You’re never too young and it’s never too late to make healthier lifestyle changes,


Healthy 2011

Editor; Vicki Wolf Co-founder

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